
An Answer to a Mountain Top Prayer

Asia, home to over 5 billion people, speaking more than 2300 languages is a continent of immense diversity and profound need. Ministry Asia is a local church-focused organisation desirous of coming alongside pastors and ministry workers in every country to help make a difference for the cause of Christ. We remain committed to ensuring that everyone in this vast region can hear the gospel in their native language at least once. 

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Asian Baptist Clearinghouse – Celebrating 30 Years of Faithfulness

Two things that are important to God would be Obedience and Faithfulness. You cannot really have one without the other, because they are co-dependent. Both work hand in hand to accomplish God’s will.

This would be the way to describe the past 30 years of the Mission Movement in the Philippines. The local Baptist Churches decided that nothing was impossible with God and began challenging Filipino’s to consider God’s call and surrender to be sent out as missionaries to the foreign field around the world.

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Five Qualities of Godly Spiritual Leaders

As a pastor, I have emphasized the developing of biblical leaders that passionately model the life of Christ in the local church. Although I know it is important that I provide servant, pastoral leadership for our church family, it’s also important that I am not the only spiritual leader in our church. Every man or woman who leads in any capacity—whether that be as a parent, a Sunday school teacher, or a one-on-one discipler—should be displaying qualities of spiritual leadership.

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Keep The Main Thing The Main Thing

The last thing I thought I would ever be is a missionary. In 1976 Missionary to the Philippines Bob Hughes spoke at my sending church. He was dying of cancer and as he spoke I turned to my wife Becky and told her we were going to the Philippines. We didn’t even know where the Philippines was.

Iloilo City has a population of about 500,000 people in the city proper and about one million people including the suburbs. Our region has a population of over 8,000,000 people.

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Cultivating a Missions-Minded Church

To be a missions-minded church is to embrace what the Lord designed the church to be- the agency through which the Great Commission can be fulfilled.  The mission of the church is basically to “mobilize” or “send forth”, to reach out by winning souls for Christ, then to baptize or have newly-saved individuals identify with Christ’s body through Scriptural baptism, followed by the teaching or observance of the whole counsel of God. This is essentially why the church is here as Christ’s representative body. The Lord Jesus Christ is not anymore bodily present, but He has His representative body which is empowered by His Holy Spirit. 

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Faithful To The Great Commission

Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, left His church with a divine mandate to obey. As we explore the Scriptures, we find that Jesus gave this mandate to His church on the Mount of Olives as His final physical instruction before His ascension to take His place at the Father’s right hand. This sacred order, found in all four Gospel records, is often called the Great Commission. The men and women who comprised Christ’s first church in Jerusalem took this command seriously. They obeyed the Lord and waited in Jerusalem until they were filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit, as described in Acts 2. These individuals were then incredibly faithful, evangelizing Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and even the farthest reaches of the earth before their deaths. Historical accounts tell us that almost all of them died as martyrs for preaching the message of Christ.

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