Partner In Prayer

This region is home to 5.4 billion. People caught up in diverse religious beliefs, varying hardships and the traditions of men. Even though the needs of the region are significant and overwhelming, we know that with God, nothing is impossible. 
Consider becoming a prayer partner.

Partner In Supporting Asian Missionaries

God is raising up labourers from Asia, to go into Asia and the regions beyond. The urgency of the task. Help in raising support for 63 Asian missionaries so they can get to the field faster.

Consider supporting asian missionaries.

Partner In Supporting National Pastors

There are 2,300 local languages spoken in Asia. It’s going to take an army of national pastors to go into every village, tribal areas and cities in every country. We currently support 102 national pastors. The need is far greater, encompassing training, resources, and finances.

Consider supporting national pastors.

Partner in Asia Bible Project

Access to local language Bibles is limited in many of the countries across the region. A vast majority of people don’t have opportunity to own a Bible in their local language. Our desire is to make available 1.4 million Bibles in Asia. The average of procuring a local language Bibles is US$ 4.
Consider supporting the Asia Bible Project.

Partner in Supporting in-country Conferences & Training

Majority of ministry workers in Asia are first-or second-generation Christians. There is a significant need for continuous training. We are getting started to support this need through in-person and on-platform training.

Consider supporting in-country conferences & training of nationals.

Partner in Supporting Resource Needs

Need for local language resources to support discipleship, life-stage ministries and Bible College training. Our desire is to source, translate and create a repository accessible to all.

Current Project – Translate discipleship resources (CONTINUE)
Consider supporting development of resource repository.
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